The Pseudo Lawyer (fakeus wannabeus): Several of your clients may fall into this category. These are the clients that think they know more about the law than you do. Often, these individuals have jobs that grant them a certain amount of exposure to the law. Used car salesmen prepare contracts, repairmen work with insurance companies, mortgage brokers and real estate agents deal with some of the legalities in preparing closings, and notaries witness legal documents. Whatever the case, clients that fall into this category often feel like they have an inside track to the law. In their minds, the only difference between you and them is a piece of paper on the wall. Some can be difficult to deal with and may second guess your judgment. The Pseudo lawyer can also cause problems with your regular clients. Your client might know a pseudo lawyer who will feels the need to give their own "expert" advice to your client. Not only is this unethical, the advice is usually bad as they usually do not have "the full story" regarding your client's case. They might know a lot about dealing with insurance companies, but may not truly understand more nuanced aspects of tort law.

The Pauper Prince (igotta nomoneya) is the client who will complain about your rates and will give you a sob story of how they simply cannot afford them. They will present themselves as a struggling poor man who barely keeps his family fed. They will press on you to compromise for a significantly lower rate. You usually won't spot the client's brand new Mercedes and Rolex until the retainer is signed.
The Angry Hulk (incredibulus hulkus) client can be very dangerous. Approach cautiously. They are usually angry at the world and have strange mood swings. They write letters to congressmen, the governor, even Oprah about perceived slights against them. They usually liken their legal perdicaments to terrorism, prejudice, government conspiracy, or some variation. They let their legal matters consume them like gamma rays. They love terms like libel and slander. When the object of their anger is not in reach, they can easily turn their anger on you. Whenever I have one of these clients leave my office, I always hear the haunting theme from the Incredible Hulk tv series playing in my head.
Great stuff Adrian. Thanks for the laugh.
I'm still laughing. Thanks for sharing the humor. Made my night.
I spent several hours reading through your posts. One is more hilarious than the next. Thanks for making my day. I needed it today.
Great post - sadly, I recognized many of the client types which you describe.
I went thru a similar analyses when I wrote about the different stages of slow paying clients.
This is funny stuff. My problem, whenever I have had to use an attorney, is I expect people to work with diligence and to keep their word. I hired an attorney and was told it would take "two or three months." Six months later, I had not heard from my attorney ONE time, so I started calling once a week and kept getting blown off with either no return call or the obligatory "I am working on your case." The case took almost two years and when the attorneys got together it was settled out of court. My simple question is "why couldn't that have been done two years and several thousands of dollars ago?" That is the problem I have with attorneys. Most cases take way, way too long.
Loved this post. I thought I was the only one.
Adrian. I just discovered your blog. I love the way you present serious issues with a touch of humor. Keep up the great work
This was remarkably similar to the folks that comprise my caseload at the welfare office...take heart, Adrian, you could be putting up with these yo-yos AND working for the government! (Thanks for laughs, it was a nice break---and now, back to the LSAT prep course.)
Thanks for the laughs. I don't do criminal law, but if a skateboard can be a deadly weapon,so can my computer, the monitor, or the printer.
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