In their Lawsuit of the Day post, blogger Kasmir Hill pokes fun at a lawsuit in which a woman claimed her daughter was actually impregnated in an Egyptian hotel swimming pool by stray sperm. I actually read this mother's ridiculous claim on a few blogs. My problem with the story wasn't that she was making fun of the lawsuit. It's a typical story you would see covered on many blawgs. My concern was that Above the Law decided to use it as an opportunity to make an ethnic slur. Oddly enough, it was followed by a weak disclaimer indicating that the writer did not condone racial or ethnic slurs. I just rolled my eyes. Ms. Hill basically stated that she no longer felt guilty for telling jokes about"dumb Polacks". It surprised me a little. Maybe it rubbed me the wrong way because of my own roots. My parents and my wife are from Poland. As a Polish American, I don't particularly enjoy being referred to as a "dumb Polack." I speak three languages. I have a law degree. I tie my own shoes. I even made my own breakfast today. (Which reminds me...a special thanks to the New Britain Fire Department for their quick response. )
Is this the same blog that took a shot at some Tulane students for posing in sombreros? Wasn't that a joke too? The same blog that accused the National Review and a Tom Tancredo staffer of using racist rhetoric? Didn't ATL chastise NYU law for hiring a visiting professor from Singapore with controversial views on gay rights? The same blog that proudly supports Asian American Heritage Month. I agreed with ATL on many of their posts. Why can't Polish people get the same respect from ATL. Don't they deserve the same self righteous indignation the blog has shown for other groups? Can't Polish people saddle up for a ride on ATL's high horse? Why is it ok to make an ethnic slur about that particular group. I did not find the statement on ATL shocking. It's not like I've never heard a Polish joke before. It was just stupid. Polack jokes? Come on. Really? The story was funny on its own. Was the dumb Polak comment necessary? ATL is a well read site. AVVO blog lists it as one of the most read blogs around. I assume its readership is mostly lawyers, law students and individuals who have been subjected to massive head injuries.You really want to put yourself out to the legal community telling "dumb Polack" jokes. You have ivy league educations. Are you really that out of touch? (Editor's note: the proper spelling of the word is actually Polak. In deference to Above the Law, we shall use their spelling variation.)
As attorneys, we are supposed to be thick skinned. As such, I hesitated about admonishing another blog. I didn't want to get on my high horse (At best, maybe a very tall pony). I didn't want to be "that guy." Honestly, I get it. It was just a joke on a blog. I laugh at lawyer jokes. I have a sense of humor. I absolutely believe in free speech. Write whatever you want. The Constitution guarantees your right to be a jackass. Just don't yell fire in the movies. I just find ethnic and racial jokes a little low brow. And I'm a guy that loves the Three Stooges. Yes, I believe in free speech. But, I also believe in civility and respect.

I guess what really irked me was the disclaimer posted by Above the Law.

As a Polish American, I always found it odd that these sorely outdated "Polack" jokes always seem to get a free pass with people. Can you imagine if Above the Law posted a joke knocking Judge Sotamayor for her Puerto Rican roots or blamed Bernie Madoff's woes for his "Jewish tendencies" Might as well accuse Justice Kennedy of being a fall down drunk because of his Irish roots and accuse the Italian Scalia for being a member of the mob. Maybe call Bill Richardson a lazy Mexican for not winning the presidency. Freedom of speech is celebrated in our nation. Above the Law has the right to write whatever they want. But show at a little class. And don't forget about that digital footprint. See what happens when your next employer happens to be Polish and he googles you. That "dumb Polack" might think twice before hiring you. As punishment, I am removing Above the Law from our list of blogs until I get an apology on behalf of all Polish people. Until then, let's see how they handle losing three or four readers. Archie Bunker funny? Hardly. We are waiting for our apology ... meatheads.
I posted this article on Above the Law. Out of over 95 posts on the subject, it was the only one removed. LOL
Adrian. Thank you for this post.
From an old Polish/Irish lawyer from Ohio.
The Constitution gives you the right to be a jackass! Well put.
I thought that the joke on ATL was in very poor taste and that removing the link to your post was incredibly lame.
I'm not Polish, but I loved my visit to Poland and one of my favorite books/movies is With Fire and Sword. As a bonus, if you watch With Fire and Sword you can find a couple of scenes that Peter Jackson adapted for the Fellowship of the Ring.
Thanks David. Appreciate the comments.
quick comment. excellent post. Above the Law is not exactly what you would call an intellectual blawg. I don't think any of the editors still practice law. If I am not mistaken, the person who wrote this piece is not even a lawyer. Could be wrong
I don't think anyone would call the Nutmeg Lawyer an intellectual blog either, :)
As a Polish/Mexican Attorney, my clients often say I am curiously dumb yet hardworking. BTW, I believe us Polskis also invented Vodka.
The stereotype that Polish people have subhuman intelligence came from Nazi propaganda.
Polish jokes - ie subhuman intelligence jokes about Polish people - were popular among the Nazi Germans since they felt Poles had subhuman intelligence since they are Slavic.
Ironically, Hollywood and NBC-TV imported these so called Polish jokes into the US during the 1960's & 70's, without telling the public the "jokes" came from Nazi propaganda.
This Leftist element of Hollywood hated Polish people for being a conservative Catholic nation that resisted communism.
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