Considering so many politicians are lawyers, I thought it would be OK to inject a little politics on our little blog. As a disclaimer, I registered as a Republican during highschool at the suggestion of a history teacher. Later in life, I worked for a member of the Kennedy family for several years . As you can imagine, my political leanings have varied.
As you may know, the Republican party has taken some hits and is trying to rebrand it's image. Things haven't looked too good this year for the Grand Old Party. In recent weeks, the GOP has seen top ranking Republican Arlen Specter become a Democrat, they lost a house seat in traditionally Republican upstate NY, Justice Souter announces his retirement ensuring the Obama Administration can fill a spot on the Supreme Court, talk show host Michael Savage is banned from entering the United Kingdom and Sean Hannity is challenged by Keith Olberman to follow through on his boast that he would try waterboarding.
The Republican party was the party of Lincoln that united a house divided, of Roosevelt charging up San Juan Hill and of Eisenhower storming the beaches of Normandy. It was the party of Reagan who tore down walls . It was the party of Nixon and Bush who....well never mind. Did I mention it was the party of Lincoln? So how do the Republicans plan to regain their former glorious past.
On Saturday, the GOP launched a listening tour. Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush and House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, R-Va., held a pizza town hall style meeting at Pie-Tanza, a pizza place in Virginia. It was considered the first meeting of the GOP's "National Council for a New America. Unconfirmed sources tell the Nutmeg Lawyer that after the pizza party, the GOP will be having a sleep over with Sarah Palin. Don't tell George. He always wets his sleeping bag. Newt Gingrich is bringing Smores and his copy of High School Musical II.
A listening tour? Really? You just had an election where you had several months to listen to people all over the nation. I'm no political strategist, but I am pretty sure the economy is pretty high on the list. And you kick it off at a place called "Pie-Tanza." You can almost picture Mitt Romney with a backwards baseball cap straddling a chair talking to teenagers about the war in Iraq, the economy, and his favorite Jonas brother over a piece of "Zah." Table 4 your pizza is ready.
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