Quit your whining. There is no crying in law practice. So you lost your job. So your wife left you. So your dog ran away. So you bet what was left of your 401 K on the Washington Generals and against the Harlem Globetrotters. Things could be worse. There are other jobs out there. So put down the ring dings, get off the couch and start polishing up your resume. The following is a quick round up of some employment opportunities in Connecticut courtesy of lawjobs.com. Our Nutmeg Lawyer's Weekend Job Roundup.
Firm is looking for an attorney with 2 to 4 years real estate experience and one with 2 to 4 years litigation experience for a diverse caseload. Excellent writing skills are a must. Resumes can be sent to HURWITZ SAGARIN SLOSSBERG & KNUFF. PO Box 112, Milford, CT 06460, Or email BFuller@hssklaw.com
Medium-sized New Haven/Southport firm is seeking mid-level associate with 2-4 years experience in the areas of professional liability defense and medical malpractice. The position requires a dynamic individual capable of working independently in a friendly and supportive environment. Please provide CV and cover letter indicating interest, experience and salary requirements to: Hiring Partner Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. 195 Church Street, 13th Floor New Haven, CT 06510
- SIEGEL O`CONNOR O`DONNELL & BECK Prominent Hartford management labor firm seeks an Associate Attorney with 2+ years of labor and employment experience, with particular emphasis on the National Labor Relations Act, including representation and unfair labor practice matters. Candidate must have excellent research, writing, analytical and people skills, in addition to being highly motivated. Salary commensurate with experience. A competitive benefits package is included. Interested candidates should send their resume, with salary history, to confidential fax 860-280-1214 or via e-mail to krosol@siegeloconnor.com .
- ALM Small Fairfield County general practice firm seeks litigation associate. Please send resumes in strict confidence to Joseph C. Maya, Esq., Managing Partner, MayaMurphy, P.C., 266 Post Road East, Westport, CT 06880; JMaya@Mayalaw.com
- TR Grace Wonderful opportunity for senior associate who will not be made partner this year to become a partner. Or, if you are a junior partner with no opportunity for leading a department in the near future, then this opportunity is right for you too! Premier Connecticut based law firm seeks an experienced ERISA attorney. This attorney will be housed in Fairfield County and will be groomed to eventually become a department head. This is an excellent opportunity to join an established and well respected practice group with a fabulous platform for growth. If you would like to discuss this, please contact our office at sina@trgracelegal.com or please feel free to call us at: (860) 658-5587. All inquiries strictly confidential.
- Dewey, Suem and Howe Prestigious downtown firm. Seeking associate who will work for long hours at little pay. Must be in good enough shape to run down an ambulance. Attorney with accident prone friends & relatives preferred.
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