Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Senate Confirms What I Said All Along

Breaking news (about a week later...) On August 6th, Justice Sonia Sotomayor became the 111th person to join the Supreme Court. She will enter the annals of history as the first Hispanic justice and third woman to enter the hallowed halls of our nation’s highest court. By a vote of 68-31 she was confirmed. (photo inset: Sotomayor at Pace Law School graduation ceremonies). Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy would probably have cast the 69th vote. It was the first time in over forty years of service to the senate that he was unable to cast a vote for the Supreme Court nomination. The Iron Horse would have to sit out the game. Other long time Senate members also tried something new. Republican Senators Hatch and Grassley voted no for the first time in their thirty years of judging nominees. They joined 31 other Republican senators who said no thanks to Sotomayor. Personally, I am pleased with the nomination. I had the pleasure of meeting the future Justice when she visited Pace Law School in 2003. At the reception following the graduation, I had stuffed a plate of hors devours in my mouth when the Justice made her way past. I thrust out my hand and said something along the lines of “Mitz a measure to moot you” as crumbs shot out of my mouth. Justice Sotamayor warmly shook my hand and wished me well in my studies. Sotamayor reflects the American story. Humble beginnings from working class parents in the Bronx. Who could have known that she would go from to Princeton to Yale to our encounter at Pace to the Supreme Court. I could not help that somehow she owed some of her success to me. We were alot alike. She had humble beginnings from the Bronx and I liked the Yankees. We both had degrees from Pace Law School. Hers was honorary, mine was by the grace of God. Who knew that someday I would help her become a member of the Supreme Court? On April 29th, I wrote a blog entry entitled “Justice Souter to Retire.” It was a riveting investigative piece where I stated
Souter's departure will give the Obama administration an opportunity to shape the direction of the Supreme Court. Keep an eye on Judge Sonia Sotomayor of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and Paula Abdul who's contract is up for renewal at American Idol.
How could I know that my statement would shape the future of the Supreme Court? My prediction bore fruit. Sotamayor was nominated and Paula Abdul is now considering leaving American Idol. My gracious humility clouded the fact that my blawg had been ranked as high as 150 on the list of Avvos top legal blawgs. With great power comes great responsibility. I was a complete genius. And you, as the reader, had the opportunity to share that geniusnessity. You now know what it was like to be that guy who answered Alexander Graham Bells first phone call. Looking out the windows of the Apollo lander, you were privileged to watch me take man’s first steps on the moon. You were there to set up the scaffolding as I painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. I am much to humble to accept your praise. A simple thank you shall suffice. For more on Sotomayor, I encourage you to visit Open Wide, a blog for dentists. They did a piece on her dental bills. Doctor Orly Taitz showed us that the future of law is dentist/lawyers. You might as well get a jump on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, genius- "a lot" is two words, not one. Otherwise I love your blog