Did you get caught at the office downloading i-Tunes? Just tell them you were downloading legal terminology and how dare they accuse you of wasting
billable hours. West Reuters has announced that it has added Black's Law Dictionary to the iTunes applications stable. For about 50 bucks you get more than "43,000 definitions and nearly 3,000 quotations from legal authorities spanning five centuries of jurisprudence". One helpful feature includes hyperlinked cross-references as well as audio pronunciations of terms. Never be laughed out of court again for mispronouncing voir dire. (If you suffer from insomnia, you can also check out
West Reuters to watch a video of how the application came to be developed). For stress relief, may I also suggest the i phone
samuri sword application. You can also order i pods preloaded with
cle materials in a variety of practice areas through the American Bar Association.
Other helpful i phone applications we came across include
Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure
Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
Federal Rules of Evidence
Search app of "Big Law" firms
With voice mail, scheduling applications, document prep, and a law library in your i-Phone, you can finally fire Delores your long time secretary. She was stealing post it notes anyway.
Are you familiar with an application that you have found to be helpful. Let us know, we will add it to the list.
1 comment:
I've found most of the calendar apps to be totally useless and non-functional. So I'm using Google Calendar, which actually has worked quite well.
Other than that, I'd like someone to create a CT penal code app (they have one for CA).
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